Scientific Audience Targeting

Privacy-Respecting Techniques for Precision Targeting

At Garritz International, we employ state-of-the-art privacy-respecting techniques for audience identification, ensuring compliance with global data protection standards, especially within Europe. We specialize in creating segmented identifiers and contextual listings, providing targeted marketing solutions that respect both privacy and precision.

Probabilistic and Predictive Audience Solutions

Our approach to audience challenges is both probabilistic and predictive, leveraging advanced analytics to understand and anticipate user behaviors. This methodology not only improves targeting accuracy but also helps in the strategic expansion and enrichment of your first-party data

Integrating Advanced Data Platforms

We enhance your marketing capabilities by integrating CRM systems with Customer Data Platforms (CDP), Data Management Platforms (DMP), or marketing cloud services. This integration fosters a deeper understanding of customer interactions, enhancing personalization and engagement across all touchpoints.

Machine Learning-Driven Audience Creation

Our audience creation algorithms are powered by machine learning, feeding on campaign performance data to continuously refine and improve targeting strategies. This self-enhancing mechanism ensures your campaigns are always at the forefront of efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategic Partnerships for Scalable Solutions

We actively seek partnerships with publishers to develop scalable advertising solutions that comply with stringent European laws. These collaborations are aimed at creating robust advertising identifiers that can be implemented across diverse platforms without compromising legal standards.

Seamless Integration with DSPs and SSPs

Our service offers unmatched flexibility, allowing the seamless transfer of both identifier-based and contextual audiences to any Demand Side Platform (DSP) or Supply Side Platform (SSP) on the market. This capability ensures that your targeted campaigns can operate across multiple channels and platforms with ease, maximizing reach and impact.

Precision in every decision start today

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how our Scientific Audience
Targeting uses advanced data
science to drive your campaigns’
success and compliance.