audience studies

Audience Studies

In the marketing process, the strategist must include a methodology to understand the client through audience studies.  Probably this is the most critical moment in the strategy development. Because of this, a deep understanding will bring extremely valuable insights to develop the comms planning strategy. Therefore instrumenting studies is critical to fulfill potential return on investment.

To create effective audience studies we consider different building blocks in our process:

Survey development.- First, we must think on the best way to obtain relevant data. In this case it is true that the question makes the answer.
Panel configuration.- In addition to a correct survey, configuring correctly the panel to bring the right audience to answer the questionnaire and to understand if the panelists are answering completely the survey.
Surveying tool set up.- Furthermore, the surveying tool must function smoothly to allow the audience to answer it. The surveying tool must have question rotation functionalities to avoid mechanical answering.
Data analysis.- Rather important is to understand the insights that are being brought by survey data.
Delivery.- Finally, we can deliver our studies directly in a presentation. We can also use one of our proprietary data visualization tools to facilitate data distribution and consumption among different organizations areas.

Relevance and Intelligence

Today, it is not a matter of costly solutions to deliver a tailor made audience study. Like in any other industry, digitalization has made it easier to design, implement and deliver a relevant and consequent study. Especially relevant in this process is to chose the right panel partner. What is very difficult to obtain, is the right partner to deliver accurate and relevant insights to input to your marketing strategy. An audience survey must be intelligently crafted while cleverly analyzed according to your specific audience and line of services or products. At Garritz International, we have extensive experience delivering tailor made audience studies at local, regional and global level for clients as Universal Pictures LATAM.

Contact us today, and let us help you achieve your desired objectives