3 Tips to make your brand more human

Things are personal when it comes to marketing, or at least they should be. Audiences like to feel connected to brands, which is why they prefer those with a human touch. Even though technology advancements have brought many opportunities in terms of communication and connection, it has also created a digital barrier amongst us. With the many changes we’ve faced in how we communicate with each other online, sometimes we can forget that we are in fact speaking to humans and not just digital entities – something that is typical of consumer-brand online relationships. Because of this, ensuring that your content holds a human touch is of utmost importance in order to attract and retain consumers through genuine connection. If you want to improve your relationship with your consumer, we recommend these 3 ways to humanize your brand. 

Include people, literally. 

According to several LinkedIn studies, the most successful posts or content are those that include images of people. This study shows that these types of content have a higher click-through-rate by 60% compared to content that includes pictures of objects. Including pictures of people is an efficient way in connecting with your consumer since images of people help the consumer visualize themselves using your product or service. 

Put a name to the face, or in this case, brand. 

If you are a brand that’s trying to directly reach out to consumers, it’s very important to include a small personal detail in your communication. According to the American Marketing Association, including a personal detail like a name or an employee e-mail in your direct communication efforts gives you a 20% higher chance of not being ignored by the consumer. A lot of businesses tend to approach consumers through a general brand identity. This can give off a distant and corporate impression towards the consumer. As AMA states, “it’s easy to delete a message from a brand, but psychologically, it’s harder to delete a message from a real person.” One small detail, could go a long way. 

Show, don’t tell. 

It’s always important to show, and not just tell things. This counts a lot in marketing, specially when it comes to a brand’s about us page. This page is a window for the consumer that offers a chance to really get to know you beyond the basics. This is an opportunity to now just tell them who you are and what you do, but also how you do it and why. When it comes to building an about us page, it’s recommended to include additional information like brand history, challenges and accomplishments, employee passions and motivations, and other details that will give the brand life and inspire the consumer. To have a stronger impact on the consumer, you could opt in to present this information in video format featuring company founders, executives, and employees. This will not only give the brand more credibility, but it will also expose the consumer to facial expressions, tones of voice and other non-verbal communication that helps evoke emotions and make the content more memorable. 

Many brands and business can have similar products and even similar values, but it’s the people that make each one different. It isn’t necessary to go through extreme measures to stand out from the competition. You simply have to show your human side and be you. 

Source: www.ama.org