Email marketing and privacy

Email marketing is one of the most scrutinized marketing methods in our post-GDPR world. At first glance, this thinking can intimidate marketers.

But it’s actually a good thing because it means brands need to put their subscribers’ privacy above their own data collection. Users trust companies more when their personal data is used to personalize their experiences through channels like email than they do with other, non-transparent activities.

Because you have unlimited access to your subscribers’ behavior via email, you can learn more about their interests and habits and create narrowly targeted campaigns. Personalization is important and even mandatory in the 2020s.

Customise email

To further customize email, you should push digital media campaigns in line with technologies like CDP (Customer Data Platforms) and even plan for future business decisions. In doing so, consider sending surveys to your most loyal and active subscribers to gather valuable data and insights.

The brand doesn’t control the relationship with the consumer, and that’s a good thing.

Most people prefer email marketing because they have control over the relationship. For consumers, email is a refreshing change from intrusive social media advertising. And why? If they see something they don’t like, they can simply unsubscribe.

In addition, emails are heavily regulated by GDPR and anti-spam laws. This shouldn’t discourage brand managers, because these are good things.

Users will always know exactly how and from where their email address was obtained in a transparent manner. By only collecting the email addresses of people who choose to hear from the brand, money is not wasted on broad-based campaigns.

Encourage subscribers to take more control of the relationship

Brand managers gain subscribers’ trust when they encourage them to take control of their inboxes.

How can this be done? Consider including a link to a preference center at the end of all your email campaigns by asking all new subscribers to fill out this page. This is linked to a Customer Data Platform (CDP).

According to a survey by Sherpa Marketing, 45% of people unsubscribe from mailing lists because they receive too many emails (either from a single brand or in general). Another 91% of people unsubscribe because they are not satisfied with the content, either because the campaign is too promotional, generic, or uninteresting.

With a preference center connected to a CDP, subscribers can specify exactly how often they want to receive emails and what type of content they want to be sent.