Facebook presents new advanced analytics

Facebook, like every other digital advertising platform, has been pushing for more and better updates. Now, the good news is that it has added very interesting options to their Analytics API targeting a very important question: after I am see, what happens next?

Cat and Mouse

One of the things that have been more popular this year is what happens to the user after it has seen our ad, we have already seen that Google is bent on connecting the offline with the online behavior. Facebook went on a different path, now it will let us know who has followed and unfollowed our page, who gave us or took away their “like”, ad impressions, among other things. This is described by Facebook as Page Actions and it’s designed with the idea of creating segments according to what users do on our fan page. All these to help marketers have a better understanding of how content and strategy on channel take sales results to our desired goals.



Instagram joins Analytics

Now that Facebook has complete control over it, we can expect all Instagram and Facebook news to come hand in hand which actually comes as great news, since they have decided to add Instagram Analytics to Facebook Suite. According to the social network, 80% of Instagram users follow at least one brand, and even though we already had Instagram Insights, it only allows us to see who interacts with our posts and stories, now, as we already talked about, Zuckerberg’s company is looking for more. To use it, we will no longer need Instagram, but it’s right there on Facebook analytics, where we will be able to: make a user retention analisis, compare the total life value of a user who interacts with our Instagram versus who doesn’t, creating segmentation and analyse where our clients meet with Instagram users, Facebook users, and apps downloaded.


Moving towards the season and the end of the year

It’s no coincidence that Facebook and Instagram are changing so much in so little time. With Christmas season just around the corner and 2019 a great promise in technological advances, this is the best moment to pitch and try new tools that will undoubtedly provide millions of data to analyse and prepare the platform for next year’s needs. As marketers, these updates are only good news for us, since we are always trying to get more control over what we promote on social media. For example, having the chance to see if whoever downloads our app follows us on Facebook or Instagram, can helps us to watch closer the steps of the consumer journey, maybe within that journey the app is completely forgotten and the most important is Facebook, maybe Facebook takes everyone to the app and never to Instagram. Even, just to be able to make a better segmentation to analyze on Instagram is a blessing for us all.


