Google redesigns page for manufacturers

Today, more than 5000 brands use Google Manufacturer Center, app that helps manufacturers create their own Google ads.

Starting this year, Google decided to change some things about this app to improve interactions, showing inspiring content to users and creating better analytics.

A new way of looking at products

According to Google, 56% of smartphone users have made an unexpected purchase afer considering a brand useful.

We have mentioned before the reason why people go to Google: to answer an unresolved issue.

Many times, this issue can be resolved by a product.

For example, “how can I save on electricity?” The first thing Google will show us should be listings of energy saving bulbs.

But a Google listing is too simple, right?

Well, for this very reason Google has added de ability to input our own information about the product, directly from the manufacturer.

According to Google, you’ll be able to:

  • Use inspirational and good quality content
  • Showcase the functions and characteristics of the product that the client might like
  • Rise the brand value directly with buyers on Google

Also, through an alliance with Webcollage, who provides content for many manufacturers, have found up to 10% more conversions just for using images.

New insights from Google Analytics

Google knows that numbers, data and graphics can give headaches to many users.

To help this matter, they redesigned Analytics for the Manufacturer Center so that it is easier to understand the data.

This tool is looking to help us understand how our Google Ads are doing on the platform and how they suggest price changes, digital advertising investment and other media choices.

The Manufacturer Center also offers:

  • Performance trends like the product groups that work better, significant changes in performance and prices
  • Insights on product variants like the best search terms and trends on average prices
  • Group status of products like competitions and products that appear frequently next to yours.
New insights from google analytics

The best of all is that this tool has launched into 24 countries, after being tested in only 7, giving an excellent opportunity to many new advertisers to try out the new rules.

Google always one step ahead

We have seen that Google is one of the main trend makers for digital marketing.

Solely thinking about the advances it has done on user-brand engagement, from hashtags on reviews, to making better segmentation choices.

What is Google really looking for, then? As indicated by this little upgrade, they want users to find inspiration on the listings of Search.

It seems that they are trying to open their visual options, to improve the results page we have come to know and love.

After closing down Google+, maybe the platform is looking to get that “social network” feel on it, to improve results through behavioral data.

It even looks like a model made by Facebook, but Google style. It’s even more interesting to think what would happen if they both formed an alliance.

We can also take note of how much exactly they are betting on visual content, since text is not enough, now we want to see perfectly what we are buying, like going into a store without leaving your chair.

And thanks to the advances we’ve seen on virtual reality and augmented reality, this could be the next step on virtual stores.

We have seen clothing stores and make up stores that allow you to edit your image in real time virtually before buying.

We also know that a little while ago, Google was betting on augmented reality glasses (hello there, Google Glass).

So, it’s not that crazy to think that Google is trying to find the next step on e-commerce evolution to be the first ones that step on it.
