Google innovates to improve ad experiences on digital TV

Google TV ad Experiences

Little by little the gap between digital and classic channels is shortening thants to the needs of the content-hungry audience.

Google, with the futuristic vision they are known for, is constantly changing the technological offers for users that want to advertise on TV.

Google TV ad Experiences

Google and the future of TV environment

According to the company, the future of TV is smart and can we blame them? Just in the US this year 37.2% of homes have at least one Smart TV, and the number is only rising.

Nowadays there are Smart TVs of any price range, and the biggest sellers are the ones that come with Amazon Fire OS or Roku.

Also, it’s reported that integration with voice assistans like Alexa and Google Home push the interest in purchasing Smart TVs, adding Home Theaters and other devices to improve the TV experience.

Likewise, voice assistants are rising in popularity rapidly, getting to 100 million units in 2018 they are hoping to get past the 300 million units sold by 2020.

This creates a circle in which TVs are pulled by sales of Alexa, Echo, Google Home, etc.

Relevant ads and better experiences

Ads can quickly become annoying, but we are used to them anyway.

In fact, we can remember last year when YouTube and Netflix did separate studies that prove that on TV and as long as they are not intrusive, we don’t really get bothered by ads.

The problem is that up until now ads were inserted over content, right after interrupting it for a moment.

This gave place to two things:

  1. In some cases, when insterting the ad it showed with very low quality.
  2. In other, if there was any error in the ad, it would simply interrupt the content and we had to refresh everything.

This is not a problem anymore.

Google has developed new tech called Dynamic Ad Insertion, which allows us to insert ads directly into the content seamlessly.

This way, the ad loads with the content package, allowing it to be seen without interruptions, delays or low quality.

Smarter ads for Smarter TVs

The relationship between ads and advertisers is complicated. Advertisers try to make ads that interest the users, while the users run from them like plague.

Uploading apps to any platform requires a lot of planning and strategizing. Each platform has its rules, each target has its needs.

This is a constat tug war and Google wants to try to put a halt to it, at least on their platforms.

To do this, they have developed Smart TV Ad Breaks, a sistem that allows a machine to decide how to order ads in the most productive way.

Thanks to the new system, we no longer have to upload ads of a fixed length, we can upload ads from 10, 15 seconds and the machine will be the one that distributes them.

For example, a 90 minute space could be filled with 30 seconds ads, or a 60 second ad and 2 5 seconds ads, depending on what will bring you more impressions.

All of this without affecting your campagin rules, like frequency and limits.

Then, this year Google has created partnerships with leading companys of live TV like NBL of the NHL to stream live sports with digital paid ads without an issue.

Measuring experiences

Measuring on digital media and TV is very different. While one lives on impacts and conversions, the other speaks in terms of rating.

Google is seeking to bring the measurig language closer to unification. so, in alliance with IAB, they have created the Tech Lab Coalition for Open Measurement.

The coalition of industry leaders will seek to take digital marketing to a better digital experience, while also doing important research that will bring digital and analog marketing closer together

TV gets closer to social media

We can no longer ignore how fast TV is getting closer to social media and the Internet experience.

Google has realized that lately, experience has changed rapidly and it’s necessary to put up more options for advertisers.

Also, the fact that we are looking for unity in our KPIs for every channel not only does it keep us informed, but it allows us to make better content for the public, giving birth to a much more natural and personal experience for everyone.
