Instagram 101: Basic Best Instagram Practices in 2019

Instagram best practices for 2019

With 1 billion active users, Instagram can get pretty competitive and making sure you are on top of the Instagram game is crucial if you want your brand to not only survive but stand out and actually impact and engage your audience. With Instagram’s constant algorithmic and platform changes, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with what continues to work, what no longer works, and what is beginning to work on the image-sharing platform. Our tried-and-true methods of yesterday may not be as effective today. So if you’ve ever been stuck, staring at your screen wondering what to post, and how to post it, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Instagram in 2019.

Types of post:

According to Quintly’s Instagram Study 2019, Images account for 68% of the content produced on Instagram. While images are the most popular types of content, video continues to take the lead as the content that produces the most engagement. More specifically, video produces 49% more interactions than images.

Caption Writing:

According to the study, posts with 1-50 character long captions performed the best in terms of engagement. While most posts tend to be in the 150-300 character range, shorter captions still reign supreme.

Similarly, If you’re not using emojis, you might want to start now. According to the report, there is a positive correlation between the amount of emojis across accounts of all sizes. So whether you decide to go for a short and witty caption, or a longer insightful one, make sure to throw some emojis into the mix for greater results!


There’s no doubt that hashtags have proven themselves to be a crucial tool for any Instagram strategy. But like any tool, it’s important to know the best way to use them. Whether you put them in your caption, or in the comments section, to maximize interactions the number of hashtags you should use depends on the size of your account. According to Quintly, accounts with 10 million followers or more have higher engagement rates when using 0 hashtags. If your account has 0-1k followers, you’ll benefit from having 10 or more hashtags since hashtags will make your account easier to find.

Posting Times:

The most effective posting times can be a mystery without the appropriate research. According to the report, most posts tend to occur on weekdays, specifically Thursdays and Fridays, with Saturdays and Sundays having the lowest average post per day. Interestingly enough, the report shows that the average interactions per day are the lowest on Thursdays and Fridays, and highest on Saturdays, then Sundays.

If you’re looking to tweak or spice up your strategy, now is your chance! While these insights can help inform us and lay the foundations for our strategies, no two accounts are alike. We always recommend testing new strategies and methods in order to find out what works best for each audience and each account.
