Machine learning: deciphering social media

Your alarm wakes up, ¿is it a clock or a cellphone? usually it’s a cellphone, you open your eyes, unblock, turn off the alarm, we are in, check messages, notifications, social media, then we wake up. Checking our cellphones and going online to social media has become part of daily morning ritual of a big chunk of the population; it’s no longer a place of leisure, it’s become a must of our day to day basis. Many people assure feeling uncomfortable or desperate if they don´t get rid of the red notification circles over their apps y another big part of the web surfers feel obligated to answer texts as soon as they come, this anxiety (on top of stress and emotional exhaustion) generates hundreds of thousands gigabytes of data per second.

It’s not an exaggeration when we say “per second”, given that statistics say that every second we upload 3.3 million posts from different sources, be it generated by other users or through different media sources. It’s an enormous amount of information.

machine learning

Better safe than sorry

All the data we upload to social networks, mailing servers, blogs on subscription and comments, the apps we download, etc., generates data, crossing and meeting points which are derivative from statistical data predicting the behavior of consumers that love content, but cannot just stop there, they need to use them, applicate them and give them life, not Frankenstein life, but like a well formed and defined bank of precise data.

Machines have learned to comprehend our language, concepts, tastes, fears and preferences thanks to our digital lifestyle; today a computer can tell on its own if an image is of a dog, a cat, boy or girl, adult playing, running, happy or sad, because of the cross between pixels and data that helps them deduct what kind of thing whatever they are seeing is.

Because it is the most popular world wide, Facebook is the pioneer network in data analysis and the creation of predictive algorithm that helps people connect with the content they actually like, a small taste of this is the recently updated option named “things in common”. With this option we could find things we have in common with people that are not our friends, nor friends of our friends, but people that posted a comment in a post that we liked.

This could, not only help us connect with other people, but to create a new language Business to Business (B2B) that could connect without so much outside influence the needs of the brands, and to know and understand deeper the connections between our audiences.

Chatbots ¿The New SMM?

A Social Media Manager used to be the person that not only created and curated the content for brand’s social networks, but also had the obligation of pushing community growth interacting with other brands and with audiences, which also gave them the ability to add new communication strategies since the constant contact with the needs of the audience gave him precise data. With machine learning, chatbots would be in charge of managing the communities with personalized messages for the web page and the specific clients.

The creators of said technology claim that this will give the opportunity to SMMs of focusing on creating quality content to offer the audiences, while the bot is in charge of managing. With this pairing, the machine keeps learning while the humans leads the way.

Terminator revamped

Some concepts, like justice, are still not clear to the learning algorithm, however, the programmers at Facebook in charge of teaching the learning machine try each time to do more precise the operations they help the machine understand. It doesn’t only feed on comments and text, but also images with labels, songs, audios, gifs, movies and ever art which helps it complete an idea that will later be executed without the need of human command, will this change the way we do publicity?

Probably, creative people will have more time to create and will leave the execution to the machines or, maybe one day we’ll see us struggling against a machine for the ideal job.
