People will spend up to 36 days using mobile internet in 2021

Mobile devices are the best way to consume content in virtually any place, and that’s why every day, we spend more time browsing mobile internet.

Who did not imagine a portable TV in the mid-90s?

Of course, we had some small mobile televisions that weighed a ton and really did not fit anywhere.

Despite this, we used to carry our little monster everywhere while there was a decent reception to watch TV.

Today, we have more portable phones, with better reception, mobile technology and customizable, we are facing the “always on” generation.

They can leave home without their keys, but never without the smartphone.

Investment of time in numbers

According to the eMarketer report “Time Spent With Media 2019”, things have changed a lot since 5 years ago:

  • The time spent reading printed newspapers went from 17 to 11 minutes a day.
  • The magazine reading time was reduced from 8 to 4 minutes.
  • On television, the time spent has gone from 171 minutes to 167.
  • Desktop computers went from 47 to 40 minutes a day.

This sheds some light over the fact that preferences have evolved.

We are loving online content; this may be due both to practicality and to the immediacy of the information.

Regarding the audiovisual media:

  • Radio consumption went from 53 to 55 minutes.
  • Cinemas saw a rebound of 1.5 to 3.0 minutes.

As we already know, audiences prefer audiovisual content (which can also be seen in the success of video and gif formats on social networks, not to mention the success of TikTok).

People want to have control over the way they consume content and how they do it, this is why they turn their attention to devices and platforms that allow them to do so.

The smartphone taking over the traffic

Although today we have several options of devices to navigate, since BlackBerry none has accommodated us better than mobile phones.

Why? They allow us to check emails, take pictures, make video calls, visit social networks, answer calls, etc.

Thus, adults not only from the United States but from the world, prefer to have their smartphone at hand to navigate, rather than sit on a computer or bring the tablet everywhere.

40% of the consumption of digital video, is done in mobile devices; taking into account that in 2021 it is estimated that 70% of the connection time will be made from a smartphone, we are seeing a marked trend and the reign of the video.

800 hours a year is the time that, according to Zenith Media, we spend on our mobile phones; 33 days without sleeping, eating or taking a break to go to the bathroom.

It is estimated that by 2021, we will spend 36 days connected without rest.

Will we forget the other devices?

It is important to consider the scope of other devices such as desktop and tablet, and even our SmartTV, however, we must consider what kind of interactions are more valuable to our brand.

We can create different types of campaigns depending on the most used device by our audience, but invariably, we must consider smartphones.

Optimizing campaigns to find us in the preferred devices of the audience, should be a must for any marketer.
