Netflix experiments with ads

Netflix has been the greatest champion of the TV without ads era. However, back in August 7 reports started to appear on Reddit of people who have suffered from video ads after an episode of the series the were binge watching. As reported, these ads cannot be skipped, keeping you from watching the next episode of your favorite show immediately after the last one until the trailer for any of the original content from Netflix is done.

In light of these news, we most take not of some important points in this particular case.

Not Everywhere

Reports from users with ads on Netflix have been, in majority, from UK; no other country has reported this problem, although the complaints have come from all corners of the world where Netflix is available.

Not Everyone

It is also important to mention that this all appears to be a beta test, since the vast majority of users have reported that they keep watching their series without issue.¿What are your planning Netflix?

Ads? No Ads!

To whoever it may concern, Netflix great, GREAT success has been the great variety of content in the platform and the fact that there were NO ads. Humanity had endured decades of both public and paid TV services with both amazing and horrible ads interrupting this week’s drama. It was then that Netflix came in with all that programming but none of the ads and it was all great, we all bet on it and we all climbed aboard this train, marvelled about the future ahead.

Tightening the Noose

Now, Netflix is going through a moment of tough changes since many companies like Disney and WB decided to make their own streaming services which has allowed for many distributors to pull off their content from Netflix which, in turn has pushed many people to pull away from the platform completely dude to the lack of content other than Netflix Originals. To add insult to injury, Netflix with ads, the most probable outcome will be that the people will turn their backs on the service that murdered Blockbuster.

What Can Be Done About This?

As a user, you can always deactivate the “testing” from Account Settings, but you must remember that doing this you wont get the chance to see whatever new thing Netflix will try out next. There have also been reports of people who don’t really mind watching Netflix Originals ads as long as they don’t last over 30 seconds.

As a platform, it’s okay to do this tests in a way that allows other platforms like Reddit to become something of a user think tank where the company can listen to what the users are saying about the tinkering and choose the right path to follow from it. As we can see, this is just the beginning for Netflix, let’s all hope that this and any other changes the future may bring affect the platform for the better.
