The new Google Ads audience segmentation is here

As advertisers, we must always be updated with our metrics; stop measuring is a mistake, but also measuring data that will not add value to our execution, can result in a waste of time. The objective of each of our campaigns will indicate the KPIs to be measured; whether we seek to get awareness, conversions or visits, we must be attent to the reaction of people to our message, and in order to have more and better control of our metrics, Google offers us a new form of target audience segmentation: new vs recurrent.

Audience segmentation?

Saving money may be the option that comes to many minds, and while it is true that measuring strategies and numbers can save a lot of money, it is also important to keep in mind that campaign management can be optimized and, therefore, be more efficient at the time of delivering the message to our potential customers, or ,as the new segmentation says, the captivated ones, because we should not abandon the captive client to get new customers.

The operation is really simple, because we can choose between 4 periods of time: 180, 90, 60 days and personalized period, in which we can choose any number of days between 1 and 180, considering that any person who has not visited the store before of the period we have chosen, will be considered as a new person.

What does it measure?

With this new segmentation, we can identify the best engagement campaigns with both new and recurring customers: specifically for those who end up visiting the store after interacting with our ads. This segmentation will also let us know which devices are inviting people to visit the store, then we will be able to define in an effective way to which channels we assign the budget of our campaign.

More metrics, more detailed analysis

Having more metrics available to analyze and segment does not mean that our campaign is bigger or has more impressions, it means that we have to define more precisely what we are going to measure; in the case of visits to the store, we can define which messages, type of campaign and device are getting to their objectives in a better, more complete way. We can get to the final results thanks to the people who have location track activated on their Google account.

What can happen with this segmentation? Simple, if what we want is for people to come to the store, and knowing that a good amount of navigation comes from mobile devices, we can know at what point of the consumer journey people are stopping before making the final step and reinforce, change the message or strategy. On the other hand, we can know what drives people who have already been in our store to continue visiting it, which is also useful to focus our efforts steps of the strategy that converts.

Finally what really matters is knowing what are the objectives that our campaign must meet, otherwise, it doesn’t matter how many updates and ad extensions we have, we will not optimize results.
