Everything about online events

With most of the world in self-isolation, many events have been canceled, businesses have closed, and the attention of the world is being directed to the online world. Many, out of necessity are  turning to virtual events to avoid losing their planning and marketing investments. Others, are turning to live transmissions to be a brand that’s present and interact in the most personal and direct manner with their audience during these trying times.

Even though virtual events aren’t new in the digital sphere, it never hurts to brush up on the best practices to be ready to plan and launch a virtual event. Because of this, we will present a few ways to ensure that your event or live transmission is a great success.

One important thing to remember is that many of the requirements for in person events still apply for virtual ones. Objectives, clear messages, and structure must continue to guide the course of your event. By having an action plan, your event can naturally flow.

In this case we are only changing the means through which we present ourselves and adapting to new online formats. One of the difficulties one faces when presenting events online is capturing the attention of the public and generating a strong connection between the presenter and its guests.

To prevent your guests from losing interest in your virtual session, you must take into account the user experience. For example, make sure your internet connection is strong, otherwise it will be much harder to retain your guests if your transmission is constantly being interrupted through technical difficulties. Having good production equipment like professional cameras and microphones will also provide a better quality experience. Interaction is another great way to keep your user engaged, however, it’s crucial to  make sure that each tool that your audience needs to interact is accessible and easy to use.

Launching a digital event allows us to take advantage of a lot of tools and technologies that we have at our disposal. For example, depending on your needs event’s needs you could opt for  the top online event options which include: previously recorded videos, create 2D or 3D animations, make live sessions, host online panels , live forums, or a combination of all of these elements. There are also several options for streaming platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts and multiple social networks.

If you do not plan to launch an entire event, but are interested in using live broadcasts, lives on social media are a perfect opportunity to better connect with your audience. Recently, Instagram released a series of recommendations to create lives during the pandemic. Among them, Instagram recommends using its special tools such as a countdown tool to notify your audience, and invite members of your audience to join the live with you, as well as use the question box to do dynamics of questions and answers.
