Do we really want personalized ads?

The command of every current marketer is: to make personalized announcements in the most precise and segmented way possible, in this way we will not waste efforts showing our product to people who are not interested in it.

Working with third-party data can be the best tool to create personalized experiences if done in the right way; however, there is a thin line between successful user experience and invasive advertising.

Every day we exchange data with countless servers, which through retargeting create personalized ad experiences for each client, but is this what we want?

Reputation precedes you

Despite being upset, many people continue to go to Facebook 7 days a week not only to check the news of their family and friends, but also to deposit data on the platform.

This exercise helps the algorithm to perfect the personalized ads that each of the navigators will see; the ads that I see in my news section, my friend or my cousin will not see them, since each one has different behaviors (likes, comments, reproductions, searches, etc).

The convenience and ease of search are the benefits that tracking offer the user, in exchange for what? From our data

Time makes us more demanding

A report from E-marketer ensures that, after different studies, people are totally willing to receive a much more personalized user experience, but they are not so willing to give their data, which puts marketers at a crossroads, as Relevant ads increase the conversion.

What does this mean? We are willing to have the comfortable experience of personalized ads, but we do not want to pay the price; However, when a brand does not offer an experience that feels close to our tastes, we are disappointed with it.

Big dilemma

When the Internet began to popularize, pop-up ads were something mandatory to which we were already accustomed, they were almost an obligatory part of the Internet user’s experience.

However, these ads worked as a kind of BTL campaign, that is, all ads were for all people, regardless of preferences and browsing habits, people started complaining and Ad Blockers emerged.

If we want personalized ads, what do we want Ad Blocker for?

Today, ad blocking programs are also a way to collect data from people, who and what devices block ads most often?

The analysis of this data is also a tool to focus the efforts of a campaign.
Another insight to take into account is that, however personalized an announcement is, if it is invasive it will not be welcome.

Although it seems a good idea to hijack the full screen of the user to ask him to subscribe to our newsletter or put an unskippable commercial in the middle of the video content, this tends to irritate the user.

Many people are guided by emotions on the Internet, so we must be quite cautious when addressing our audience if we do not want to lose followers.

If we irritate our potential customer by interrupting their videos, they can even block our page or report our ads.

In the United States and Europe, the RSA security network found after a census, that only 17% of people think it is ethical to collect data from Internet users for any purpose and 25% agreed to customize the news section of social networks was something ethical.

This leaves bad stops to third-party data companies, because the perception remains that they invade our privacy in exchange for a minimal benefit, since only 29% of respondents said they saw an improvement in the recommendations of products and services.

Analyzing our data is always fundamental for any marketing campaign if we forget this step, we run the risk of losing focus and not getting to our campaign KPI’s.
