What’s simple and what’s complicated about user experience

Nowadays is very common to hear the term “user experience” but do we really know how to create a good one?

A brand can have several channels to engage with clients like radio, TV, even digital channels such as blogs and social media. However, by having so many outlets you may overwhelm the client and eventually lose them.

The first step is to be clear on what the user journey means for the brand. It must be all the ways in which the customer interacts with the brand, from how to discover your brand to the purchase of the product.

These 3 concepts will help you plan a successful experience:

  1. Think of the consumer journey as a marathon, not as a race.A large  company can have several working units and each one a series of objectives, but you need them to work as a team, this will make the message and strategy even.
  2. Each interaction must have a purpose so that you do not waste money. Think of the journey as a series of steps that guide the user to find in your product or service what they need.
  3. Try to understand your user perfectly. To the customer, the most important thing is to have a pleasant and helpful interaction with your brand.

We know at first, it can be very tricky to create the right experience, that is why we share the Marketing Journal’s map that focuses on 8 key points.

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Objective. Focus on yout brand’s goals. Apply the right segmentation so that you can reach your target audience and deliver the right message.

Analyze your user needs. Know who your ideal user is and find out what are they are looking for. Data tools can help you get closer to your user needs, and hit right in the spot.

What are potential customers taking into account in their purchase process? Once you have your consumer’s perspective, become a consumer yourself; analyze your touchpoints, make the journey through your strategy and detect the weak points.

Debug We already know what your user is looking for. Choose the path that will help and motivate the client to purchase your product.

What would make the purchase process simpler? Sometimes, users go through a complicated journey and leave halfway through. This is when you should ask yourself how to satisfy their needs as practical and simple as possible.

What makes potential clients change their minds? Sometimes, an inadequate description, a bad design or a wrong message can cost you a client. Spot the moment when people leave.

Motivations, actions, decisions, questions, barriers, and solutions to problems. This exercise will give you the elements to create a successful strategy, you will just need to add your brand’s personality to it.

Next steps

Start planning how to impact the decision making of your client so that they’ll want to buy your product or service.

What channels would you use? Use your assets on the message, motivate the user, segment your audience and do not forget to be creative.

After you have you’ve planned how you would create your strategy, test it and analyze the results.

How many people click on your ad and how many people bounce before converting? No matter how many changes or adjustments you must make, this will be very helpful when measuring your strategy’s efficiency

Do not forget there are always opportunities to improve your consumer journey, keep in mind that it is necessary to be constantly changing.

Make monthly or bi-monthly reviews, to help you know everything about the relationship between brand and client.

In the end, what the client wants is to be heard by the brand.

They want to be noticed, but at the same time to have their space, they will demand personalized, fast and useful solutions.

In the past, brands were competing for having a good range of products or having good prices, but now, having a successful client journey user experience will make your brand stand out from the crowd.
