What’s popular on YouTube

What’s popular on YouTube

One of the most popular social media platforms is YouTube, with almost 2 billion users, it is one of the social giants amongst them all. With so many users, subscribers, and videos, it is interesting to immerse oneself into this platform and recognize which content is the most popular and trending within YouTube.

A study by Pew Research gives us insight into the most popular channels YouTube from the beginning of the year. According to this research, 10% of the channels with the most subscribers generate 70% of the most popular videos within the platform.

So much content exists on YouTube that it would take 16 years just to go through one weeks’ worth of content from all of the most popular accounts on YouTube.

Trends to consider:

The most popular videos are for kids 13 and under.

Kids prefer pursuing YouTube as a career.

The most popular videos are no more than 12 minutes long, although it’s highly recommended that they last 10 minutes.

The most popular content is videogame related.

Similarly, videos with titles containing the words Fortnite, prank, and worst, are the most viewed.

Videos that mention other platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, in their descriptions are more likely to be shared.

What’s popular on YouTube

According to these trends, we can infer that content for kids is #1, and should preferably be about videogames. It’s good to take these trends into account if you’ve been thinking about creating a campaign to increase followers.

Source: www.socialmediatoday.com